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Employee Wellbeing Check 



The 'Employee Wellbeing Check' by Re-Form Solutions is a free tool that will help your business get the most out of your most important asset, your people.


Using our unique staff survey tool, we will be able to analyze your staff wellbeing within your business ore workplace, highlight positive areas and what's working well and address the negative.


People are under so much pressure that everyone's mental health is suffering, but are your employee suffering more than they should have to with poor work place culture. With our Employee Wellbeing Check we can help take the temperature of your work place. 


Poor work place culture can lead to -


Neglectful Attitudes

A poor company culture is one lacking in direction. This lack of leadership

in getting work done allows neglectful attitudes to propagate. Employees

in a culture where little is expected are likely to procrastinate and take

short cuts when they do execute their work. The motivation to pay attention

to detail is absent. This behavior illustrates a general poor performance

that links back to the organizational culture.

Careless Approach

Working in a poor organizational culture promotes careless behavior by its staff. There is a lack of ethics that discourages workers from paying careful attention to duties and customer service. The atmosphere is casual to the point where careless behaviors such as using profanity, dressing inappropriately and expressing thoughtlessness in client interactions pervade. Professionalism suffers greatly in this type of workplace environment.

Lowers Self Confidence

A culture rich in ethics and committed to professional values serves to encourage employees by making them aware of their importance to the organization. A company with a poor culture, however, can serve to lower the confidence level of employees. Employees fail to thrive in an environment that is neglectful in training and challenging its workers. There is little opportunity for employees to excel as they become mired in a culture of underachievement.

Morale Diminishes

Morale diminishes in an atmosphere lacking strong values. Ipsos, a market research company, reports survey results showing employees believe morale is chiefly determined by company culture. Employees in a poor culture suffer from low energy due to lack of motivation and new ideas. Their attitudes are likely to be ones of indifference or even hostility as they deal with the lack of leadership. Managers respond with frustration and often turn a blind eye to the failure of employees to perform well. Supervisors struggle with a defeatist attitude in the face of a bad company culture.

Lack of Growth

Businesses depend on their employees to allow them to profit and expand. Within a poor company culture, though, staff members are unlikely to perform at high levels, thus they severely limit the company's potential as well as their own professional growth. Employees who are not empowered by a company culture dedicated to their performance and satisfaction often fail to develop new skills and frequently are bereft of new ideas. They are left to stagnate in a position that provides little satisfaction or room to grow.


Lisa Mooney -











Employees get sicker in toxic environments.

Millennials may be getting labeled as the "burnout generation," but a toxic workplace affects everyone in negative ways. Research shows that overly-stressful work environments increases absenteeism and leads to employees getting sick more often. 

The monetary consequences of worker absences are clear. The CDC reports that productivity losses from missed work costs employers $225.8 billion, or $1,685 per employee, each year.

Your workplace culture has a direct effect on employee health. It shouldn't take an expert to tell you healthy employees will be more productive. 

Forget about snagging the best talent for your team.

The last point worth highlighting is related to your organization's reputation. When employees leave positions, they tend to talk to other people in their areas of expertise. Negative word of mouth alone will kill your ability to recruit the best talent, but sites like Glassdoor that share anonymous feedback can be brutal for companies as they are held to a higher standard.

What's worse is that employment numbers are showing signs we're near full employment in the US. If it's already getting difficult to find people qualified for the positions your business has open, a bad reputation will make your searches even more frustrating.

The consequences of bad behavior catches up with everyone. With so much research and data pointing to the need for a supportive workplace culture, this topic can no longer be ignored by organizational leadership.
















Working with us and we can help you find where your culture problems are and give you some steps you can take. 


    By working with us you could -


  •     Reduce Staff Turnover

  •     Increase Productivity 

  •     Create a workforce willing to go the extra mile for you and your customers

  •     Employees who have less time off sick

How we help

We will use our unique online survey to find out about about your employees and what is important to them. We will use all our knowledge in people and culture to give your business a score, give you the headlines of what is going wrong and help give you some ideas of how you can go about changing your culture. 


Our Free Package includes -

  • Either email correspondence or a Teams Meeting with our Head of Business Strategy to discuss your needs

  • A link either sent directly to your employees or forwarded to you

  • A summarized report (2 pages) highlighting your key strengths and weakness

  • A plan of action with a few suggestions to make improvements.


Upgrades (pricing available on request)

  • Online 1-1 interviews with each of your employee

  • In person interviews with your employees

  • Regular in person or team meetings to discuss progress

  • A site inspections in line with current health and safety legalization

  • A comprehensive report exploring in detail the investigations finding with a comprehensive plan of action. Fully Benchmarked against industry and our own data.

  • Implementation of Learning, Development and Coaching to make changes.

  • Regular on going support either in person or on teams.


Email us to find out more at  


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Sample of Questions

Image by Markus Spiske

Example of Summary Report

Image by Rishabh Sharma

Example of Full Report

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